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tv   KRON 4 Early News  KRON  September 25, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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talking about a fire that sent people to the hospital plus a police officer. we are talking about the same sex and marriage. we will have more on that in a moment. the general assembly is getting way and the president obama will be addressing. we're watching bay area traffic. let's take a look at the bay bridge and looks very clear. >> we have a very dense fog along the coastline. later on today you can expect temperatures to be near the 80 south. looking ahead into tomorrow they will be similar as today. >> and still looking ahead
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we are not tracking any major problems. the slowest traffic is on highway 4 heading into antioch. south bay freeway and the peninsula is still a very light right. there is still no delays. >> there was a fire that broke out at home in san francisco. this is the area of south san francisco but 800 block of grand ave. we have been following this story all morning long. the crews have now left this morning and the windows of a grand of this duplex are now boarded up. the fire
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department stated that around 11:30 p.m. last night they received a call about a fire. there were apparently to people inside the building when they arrived. the police officer helped the two people get out of the building and the smoke caused all of them to be trans purported to the hospital. you can see some of the damage that happened. >> there are two units at this duplex but the one on the left side is the one that sustained all of the damage. no major injuries were reported just smoke. they're all listed as stable
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at this time. as we get more information on the police officer and the other three victims will pass that along. >> we are waiting to hear from the u.s. supreme court. whether or not they plan to take on same-sex marriage. the state of california and the state of new york. a woman stated that she had to pay federal taxes on her wife's estate because at the time new york did not recognize her marriage. the justices will decide whether or not they will take on both cases. >> santa clara county principle that was accused of selling drugs has made
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his first appearance in court. eric lewis was arraigned yesterday. he was arrested on friday in a sting operation. he tried to assail meth and the date rrape drug g h p. the santa clara county school board is sending letters out that they do not believe that anything happen on campus that involved all the students. the principal was put on un paid administrative leave at the time. it is definitely a life lesson for the children. they should stay away from drugs and if a principal is in charge of
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children and is looked up to, respected it is very troubling it was a big shock to staff and parents. we will try to plan the best for the school and move forward. he remains behind bars on a $25,000 bail. >> here is some of the video of what we are talking about. the spray paint on the mission police department's building. this was all this past thursday night when an officer shot a known gang member. he has now been recognized. he was hit twice by officers and he is still in the hospital recovering.
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>> the police chief talk about what happened. this guy was in prison for trying to shoot a another gang member this kit was only 15 years old and was caught in a crossfire. i cannot say enough about the police officers who put their life on the line to protect other people. when in some people are harmed as they do when police officers are doing their job. we do not want san francisco to become another oakland. the cops are out numbered and outgunned. we do not want that to happen in san francisco. the police say
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that they have increased their patrols in areas that ar seenhave a lot of gang members.
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>> welcome back to kron 4. we have seen a rise in home prices compared to a year
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ago. this is including the san francisco bay area. six years after the housing collapse it appears that the housing market has turned the corner. global is closing at a record high about $750 us share. facebook shares fell 9%. the facebook shares were overpriced. the disappointing news with apple is that the only sold 5 million iphone 5. >> and governor jerry brown is heading to sign the
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google robot bill. that will be on hand for the signing because the bill was passed by the state legislature. it allows companies to test self driven cars on the road. >> and would would take a break it is now 6:12 a.m.. we will be visiting with george when we return. the drive seems to be picking up again on the san mateo bridge.
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vo: for years, sacramento politicians have chopped away funds for our schools.
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today, we're forty-seventh out of fifty in per-pupil funding. now these politicians say unless we send more tax dollars to sacramento, they'll cut education again. here's a new approach. prop thirty-eight sends billions in new education dollars straight to our local schools, and guarantees the politicians can't touch it. thirty-eight will restore the education cuts from sacramento. so remember this number. thirty-eight.
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>> and we're not following the wild fires that are burning. the fire is burning near the mexico border. a man was found dead in his home. the neighbors are saying that he only had one leg and he insisted on staying. 80 homes and all have been evacuated. >> let's take a live look at the golden gate bridge. we do have plenty of fog and
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light traffic. good morning to you daria we have dense fog. in line has crystal clear conditions. for the most part wall have blue skies and sunshine '60s coast side. as we take a look at the satellite radar recede back the waters are only being impacted. the visibility is half a mile for those on highway one. it is 5 mi. from those on san rosa. and like i had already mentioned it will be good conditions on concord and hayward.
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>> we are still in the upper 40's for nevada and a little and antioch we have lost at few degrees. as we take those temperatures into the afternoon we will see similar conditions to what we saw yesterday that. that afternoon highs will be 78 degrees. another day will be flirting for 94 pittsburgh. mild conditions are pretty comfortable for oakland and berkeley. downtown san francisco is usually at about 71 degrees but they are coming in at 64 degrees. it looks like the bottle is
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checking that at 68 degrees. we will see temperatures start to warm up because saturday will be the warmest of the week. at 6:18 a.m. this was your webber. >> we see a back up now at the toll plaza bridge. between 619 and 624 no problems are bay reported. for your wide through the san mateo bridge and highway to we did see some emergency crews heading out. we do not see any incidents reported and no delays are showing up on rollaway sensors. as you
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cross the golden gate bridge there are no delays. checking the traffic maps which will update your drive through the east bay. interstate 80 is ok but we have added four minutes to your drive time. westbound interstate 580. for years south bay commute on 1 01 south found it is about 17 minutes. in the north bay we continue to get updates from the highway patrol that they are with a accidental on one 01 southbound. with mark. >
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>> they are discussing some global challenges. let's listen ma end. in. today about 2 percent of the resources that flow to developing nations come from the private sector. it may be able to expand the ability to not only care for those who are suffering but also change their lives on a permanent basis. this was updates from mid romney speaking. over at the united
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nations. we are waiting for president obama to address the assembly as well. intense 7:10 a.m. when the president will make his remarks to the nation. joe biden will be speaking at 7:45 a.m.. vice president paul ryan will speak in cincinnati, ohio. >> this 6:21 a.m.. we will be right back to get your tuesday morning going. the golden gate bridge is not very golden at this timdue to the fall. we will be right back.
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>> welcome back. there have been a lot of feed costs agains.there will be a shortagef
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bacon next year. the we're seeing cancellations that about zero hundred flights were canceled. american airlines are trying to go into court to throw out the packages. there are requiring that the pilots take breaks to rest. they have been receiving a lot of sick calls picked from the pilots. >> according to an annual look at banking fees by bank rate dock calm. americans are paying more to manage their money. atm surcharges for non bank cause customers rose to about 4% the average
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monthly fee is of up about 25%. free checking accounts have decrease to 39%. the good news is that most fees can be avoided by going to your own banks atm. you will have to maintain a minimum monthly balance in your checking account to avoid these fees. there are smaller banks and credit unions who are not charging these fees. your financial services may be limited by using these banks. but it comes down to what ever works for you. >> discover card is paying $240 million to settle charges. discover will pay
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$14 million in fines and refund $200 million to more than three and a half million customers due to enrolling them in programs that they did not sign up for. discover this leaded customers by having them believe that these services were free. customers should expect to get about $57 back. >> a former university and me have bishops opened fire that killed three people the alabama state law requires. she was convicted on capital murder and she pleaded guilty. let's take a live
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look at the traffic. we have not been able to see very much this morning. hi, i'm amy for downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters, here with my favorite new intern, jimmy. mmm! fresh! and it's been in the closet for 12 weeks! unbelievable! unstopables! i'll show you how! ♪ just shake them into the washer i can't believe this lasts 12 weeks! neither can they. so you're going on tour to prove it. downy unstopables. follow jimmy's unstopables tour for free samples on
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the falling leaves. the perfect inspiration for air wick's fall collection. when i smell that, i know fall is in the air. the fall collection from air wick and the national park foundation. something in the air wick.
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cherry welcome back t >> welcome back to kron 4. home prices and the united states have now hit a nine year high. it looks like we've have come to a housing recovery. cherr >> we have not say much and the weather. 54 degrees i love hayward. pretty mild
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conditions and more chili in napa. as we head into the after known we can expect similar conditions as yesterday afternoon it will be almost 90 degrees for some of the area. we do have a warm-up to talk about. >> as we continue to monitor conditions on the san mateo bridge. traffic is still going smoothly. your quick commute shall issue that it is on interstate 580 and highway 4. on the peninsula conditions are pretty light. that accident that was reported earlier is now gone. >> the san mud tail county
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of boards are mateo county. thee basically voting on next year's budget but if the budget is approved they would like to put up a new prison. residents have been out and they are very unhappy about this. they feel that the money should be spent on social services not on a jail. our current jails are overcrowded and low-level offenders are not going to prison but to jail in said. they have too many inmates than they normally should and so they are pushing for a new prison to house 640 inmates and an
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additional room for a hundred and 32 inmates if needed. we expect protesters to come out and rally about a 30 a.m. this morning. they will go inside to voice their opinions. >> we will talk to you later will carry a several weeks ago, the fire at chevron's cent over 50 people to the hospital. they updated that about 200 local residents were very upset about the fire. people that went to the hospital kept their cool until they were allowed to speak. those of us who cannot afford to get medication and chevron send out checks to these people
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but they stated that the checks were not enough. as part of the plan to prevent the fires from happening again chevron have installed new monitoring stations to help. chevron officials believe that they have tracked the cause of the fire. they say that corrosion was the reason for the fire. they are stating that they did not deliberately bypassed any thing. they are stating that a pipe was not connected properly and that is why this happened and it was not done on purpose. us s soon
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as we knew about issu did addresas some as we heard at this we started to work on ways to fix it. the investigation is still on the way. >> a nine year-old coro is at home with her family after she stated that on friday at park side elementary she was taken from her school. a man was arrested because he tried to take the broad off of the campus the little girl is stating that she was able to kick a man and she was able to get away. it is just really alarming that people are allowed to get into the campus even though they are
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supposed to lock the doors and gates once all the children are in. detectives believe that the man that they are arrested may also be connected to to other incidents that happened at other schools in the area. a bayside stem academy reported that they sought a gentleman trying to sell alcohol to students. >> let's turn our attention to politics as we take a lookon 2012. achan has been under fire about comments that he made about rape. he stated that a woman has the right to stop rape. mitt romney stated that
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achan should step down. >> the time now as 6:36 a.m. and we will be right back. we d
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chichetice >> welcome back. let's take a look at last night's football game. the
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replacement reps stated that this was not a touchdown. it got out of rage is continuing. look at karen rogers faced. he stated after the game that this was just a mess. this was awful. just look at the replay and the fact that it was reviewed is awful. do not ask me any questions about the officials. they were very restrained but we are asking people to weigh in on the facebook page about the game. i agree with the call but i am i think he drew it
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to me. one facebook writer stated to does boycott football that he was done. the referees are blind that man had nblind. you can probably guess how the other football players fill. we stated earlier that something was going to happen that was gonna have this brought front and center about the replacement referees. >>
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you disgust me.
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prove it. enough is enough. d-con no view, no touch trap snaps to kill instantly. no looking, no touching. d-con. get out.
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walk combat >welcome back. the supreme court will decide to hear the two cases concerning same-sex marriage. san mateo county is looking to fund a new jail where it residents not happy about that. >> we're watching wall street. our financial adviser rob black is joining us right now. this is nice to see that the housing market is picking up. atlanta showed the largest
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drop. but tthere are a lot of states who did have a good rise. good number for the rise for home prices. people can now go on more vacations now. filling richer feels good. let's talk about google and apple. google when the by $15 and about $756 a share. apple is now at $690 a share. it till she that google is getting it right. not just the
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iphone 5 but searching for that apple map. maps seem to be the only thing that is working on cell phones as far as global search. there is something to like about this story. i am proud of google and i feel they have a lot to offer. apple will eventually get back haps right and they may give us the google maps back. they should never have dropped their map functions and the first place. with that said apple will eventually get this right. this is a small
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problem that they can fix. people need to know where they are. if you do want to keep your google map and you have the older iphone you should keep it because the new iphone does not have it. >> isix and battery tellers have failed. staples has failed to amazon. you can go on amazon and get your items within two days. to many of these stores with officemax, staples, office depot there are too many of these stores are around. we would check back with rob at 9:15 a.m.. >> let's take a look at the
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weather. we do have called cover to contend with. we do see clear skies in inland. it is a chilly start for santa rosa. it is 49 degrees out the door for daly city. warmer spots are only in the upper 50s. as we had been closer to lunch time it will be about 66 through the coastal line. that '80s to become more widespread on the 3:00 p.m. hour. it looks like we will pick up about low eighties for some of the south bay locations. 78 in
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santa clara. antioch's 78 degrees. 78 degrees in castro valley. no. bay and napa about 73 degrees. if you are headed to ocean beach it will be pretty cloud cover. it looks like it will be a many heat wave starting on thursday. if you are headed to the giants game tonight the first pitch will be about 7:15 p.m.. >> thursday bulls star to warm things up all around the '90s. saturday is expected to be the warmest day of the week a lot of people have saturdays off. if you are headed to ocean beach it will be warm
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temperatures as we start the next work week. >> in what are lookingwe are lon accident that is on the freeway at interstate 580. an accident is blocking maybe two lanes of traffic. it is not blocking too much of the 580 traffic but most of highway 4. highway 13 just outside of the tunnel. if you are coming from highway 24 there will be delays for you. the 880 approach to the bridge is just starting to back up near the toll plaza. at the
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san mateo bridge we are monitoring the traffic here. the drive time is up and down due to construction. they are expecting closures for two consecutive weekends in the month of october. this is the reason why we are seeing such slow traffic. the golden gate bridge traffic is fine. >> do not forget that we will be hosting our blue live angel show. san francisco could be home soon to the tiniest of apartments in the country. the mansion that 200 sq. ft. rthe city's sue
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expected to vote on this because it will provide cheaper options for single residents. peoples state that this may make the city more crowded. ♪
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most paints have color that sits on the surface. but nothing beats benjamin moore's color lock technology that locks color right in, no matter how often you wash it. color lock technology. exclusively from your benjamin moore retailer. win a design consultation with me, candice olson, at
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>> welcome back. albert einstein's brain is now an act that you can download. the chicago medical museum is now funding 350 slides from albert einstein's brain. >> 6:57 a.m.. funding for a new jail in the san mateo area is set to be. this is
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the story that everyone in your school and office will be talking about. gary will be the referee in this fight.
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